Aim To Customer Satisfaction High Standard Quality In Reference To The International Market Improve Your Organization For A More Competitive Market Develop Together A Solid Business Strategy
The Group is an engineering concern established in 2001 on the initiative of two founding members, arch. Sandra Deiana and arch. Giovanni Antonio Spano. Its registered office is located in the town of Olbia (OT), Sardinia, Italy. Currently associated with the Group are three Italian companies operating in the design of buildings and infrastructure, particularly in the area of de luxe houses, hotels and other tourist facilities The staff includes experienced multidisciplinary engineers, architects, surveyors and consultants whose drive, dedication and creative imagination enable the Group’s unique structure to best understand and meet customers’ demands.
As a result, the Group has been awarded significant construction projects both in Italy and abroad. To provide a broader picture of the Group’s activities, it may be appropriate to mention that, while architectural design was originally its prime area of interest, the Group has since developed specialist capabilities also in general engineering , geotechnical engineering, fire prevention and other services to support architectural design for detailed elements. Additionally, the Group has recently been exploring opportunities offered in the sphere of sustainability, urban redevelopment and others challenging new areas of research.
In the conduction of its business activity, the Group has constantly followed a policy of extending every possible form of cooperation to other parties involved in design and construction works, right from the earliest stages of each project. This approach, coupled with the high professional level of its staff, has made it possible to develop and implement original and effective solutions for the smooth progress in the execution of its contracts.